Say Forever Logo

Global grassroots campaign for life extension

What do we do?

Our passionate, international grassroots activist group works relentlessly to raise awareness and educate the public on the potential for a world where aging is eradicated.Through street action and online surveys, we engage in meaningful conversations, empowering people to envision a new bright future and act on achieving it.

Street outreach

We conduct street surveys to gather insights and raise awareness, bridging the gap between the general public and the anti-aging movement.Read how to run such a survey in your city or join our monthly event Say Forever Day.


We are constantly trying new creative forms of engagement to capture public attention and spark conversations around aging research.See our latest ideas on Instagram.

Online surveys

We utilize digital surveys to collect valuable data and insights on public opinion regarding aging and death.Take part in our current study on attitudes toward death and life extension.

Run a street survey in your city

Host a "Say Forever!" event in your city, ignite conversations, and drive change in the fight against aging. Make your impact today!

Image of a volunteer taking notes


Join us on the 1st Saturday of every month as we take to the streets of cities across the globe, engaging in conversations about aging and championing the cause of longevity. Together, we can inspire change and foster a brighter future for all.

  • People from 20+ cities joined us

  • Thousands of conversations were held

  • Find the results of our surveys here

Follow us at @SayForeverOrg


Each donation helps us grow the campaign. And we believe it is the biggest impact you can make in anti-aging research with your money.

Reccuring Donations

Single Donation

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Buy our merch

Every purchase helps us continue our global grassroots campaign for life extension and raises awareness about the potential for a world free from aging.Wearing our merch sparks conversations about longevity and empowers people to envision a brighter, ageless future.

Join members of our vibrant community. Share ideas and get the latest updates.